Sunday, November 11, 2018

Dishonorable Discharge, Please!

Some things make make me feel a certain kind of way and the disrespect Trump demonstrated to our veterans  was one of them. Our military members take an oath to make the ultimate sacrifice if required to defend this nation. Over the history of the United States lives have been lost in defense of the country in swamps, deserts and on the shores of foreign lands worldwide. Lives were even lost on our own soil to preserve the very existence of America. Fighting through poisonous gas, dangerous chemicals and IEDs is part of the job description as many gave their last measure in defense of this country and our freedoms. 
It is disheartening to realize our proud military members answer to a man, that they pledge to obey the orders of his office that could send them to their deaths, who would not endure a little rain to honor their sacrifice. Those supporting Trump with his bigotry, misogyny, vulgarities, lying, antics, laziness and corruption need to have a real gut check on their motivations. The Constitution apparently is just a piece of paper that Trump feels free to wipe his feet and who knows what else on. We are on the road to a dark place because there is a cult voting mentality at play than has millions supporting the destruction of their own futures by voting for leaders that have openly tried to take away their healthcare coverage for pre-existing conditions and stated intentions to cut Medicare and Social Security. 
So why are millions of otherwise rational citizens supporting a man and political party with the demonstrated knowledge that they are voting for their own future detriment. No one can honestly answer the question of what drives an almost suicide voter mentality except the people engaged in the practice. Whipped into a hateful paranoia by warnings of the coming immigrant, Black and Brown people takeover of America some feel it is better to make their own brand of ultimate sacrifice by voting away their futures to stop the other. The big miscalculation Trump supporters have made is the the change they are trying to stop can't be halted because it is inevitable. One day former Trump supporters will look around and the United States they were trying to stop will be reality, but they will be less financially sound, less healthy and angry that they allowed themselves to be robbed blind out of fear of social and cultural change.  

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