Sunday, August 5, 2018

Trump, Lebron James and Fear Of A Brown Planet

In typical fashion the 45th President of the United States denigrated successful persons of color when he attacked Lebron James and Don Lemon of CNN in reference to an interview James did with Lemon. James was discussing the new school for disadvantaged youth he opened in Akron, Ohio. James was asked about Trump and he responded that he was using sports to divide people. Trump, who has skin so thin that it is translucent, responded by insulting the intelligence of Lemon and James. Trump then attempted to drag basketball legend Michael Jordan into the fray by stating that he liked Mike. Jordan responded by stating he supported Lebron James. Trump's own wife, Melania, stated she thought Lebron was trying to do good. 
Trump has a pattern of attacking positive figures in the Black community in order to gin up support among his solid 33% or so base. Trump attacked President Obama, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Black NFL players and Congressman John Lewis. Combined with Trump's attacks on the gold star Khan family, immigrants from south of the U.S. border and labeling some people from majority Black or brown population nations as residents of shit hole countries it is clear that he is stoking fears of a brown nation and world, but that train has left the station. Projections are that the United States will be a majority minority country by 2044. Trump can fan all the racial fear, social anxiety and hate he wants, but the tsunami wave of demographic change is coming and there is little he can do to stop the United States from becoming the melting pot it was destined to become.
The idea that a President of the United States is actively the leader of a racial and social division campaign in America should chill the souls of all of citizens he is supposed to be serving. It is one matter to feel there may be an issue with local officials in regards to race relations, but to feel that way about the POTUS is frightening. All of our taxes support the house Trump lives in, the aircraft that transports him and the secret service that protects him, so Trump should understand he works for all of us and when an employee is insubordinate they should expect to hear the words, "You're fired!"